Russia attacks Ukrainian ships

Map of area near crimea in which Russia attacked Ukrainian ships
Following the Crimea Annexation , Russia has seized 3 ukrainian vessels in Crimean Peninsula which consisted of -:
2 gunboats
1 tug
Approx 5 sailors are injured.

                 WHY RUSSIA DID IT??
As per Russia,  Ukrainian ships were illegally entering it's waters.
And ships also consisted missiles,  so for defence purposes such action was taken.
Ukrainian ships heading towards Strait of Kerch. 

                  TRUTH BEHIND IT
Ukraine said that it send it's ships through strait of Kerch(joins sea of Avoz and Black Sea) to Odesa(a port city of Ukraine)
And it has  done the same practice many times and Ukraine also informed the Russian Authorities about the choosing of ships through strait of Kerch .
Ukraine has called it violation of -:

  1. The Agreement between the Russian Federation and the Ukraine on cooperation in the use of the sea of Azov and the strait of Kerch is an agreement on sea and fisheries between the Russian Federation and Ukraine adopted on 24 December 2003.
  2. United Nation Convention On the Laws of Sea,
  3. Article 3 of Universal Declaration of Human Rights which says "Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person." By injuring sailors Russia have violated this article. 
Fully supports the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine and it's rights to access to waters.
European Union
To restore Ukraine freedom to access to strait of kerch.

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